Hello! Below are the tentative meeting dates through the end of 2024. We have five dates for 2024 lined up and we should have at least seven meetings in 2025 through the end of March. This year we will meet at the Germantown Public Library once per month (the other meeting dates we are still determining whether we can reserve a physical space or if we may have to hold virtual meetings). The JV group will meet from 5:00-6:00 and Varsity will meet from 6:00-7:00 (the library closes at 7:30). Updates on meeting locations and cancellations for weather will be posted in the blog section of the ia-chess.com website and will also be emailed to parents. You can find upcoming scholastic tournaments here: https://www.ia-chess.com/tournaments or on kingregistration.com.
The structure of the JV meetings typically goes as follows: students may start with some warm-up puzzles either on sheets or to be solved on the demonstration board. This is followed by a short lesson on the demonstration board that generally follows the curriculum of the Dutch Steps Method (working on tactical fundamentals and decision making by applying specific questions to the position at hand). After this, the students are either given specific training positions to play or they pair up against each other for practice games.
For Varsity, this group also begins with usually around 5 tactical warm-up exercises. Then the coach gives a presentation on some middlegame or endgame theme or leads a group game analysis if any of the players have recent tournament games. After this, the players usually play a training game with clocks and notation.
2024 Dates: October 14 (confirmed at the library), October 28 (location TBD), November 11 (confirmed at the library), November 25 (location TBD), December 9 (location TBD). Once the 2025 dates have been locked in they will be posted in the blog section of the ia-chess.com website.
To register for the chess club, please visit: https://www.kingregistration.com/register/MequonChessClub2425
UPDATE 10/13/2024: We have decided to cancel the Mequon Chess Club this year due to insufficient interest.